Treasure Tracks by S. A. Rodriguez is the story of a 12-year-old boy, Fin (Fernando), who lives for adventure. He and his abuelo are two peas in a pod, and the duo has been busy looking for treasure in the Florida Keys. A family legend of a lost treasure chest motivates them to dive and search, even though abuelo's father died searching for the same treasure. I loved hearing the Spanish dialogue mixed into the English, and the references to Fin's Cuban/Puerto Rican heritage.
When Hurricane Irma hits the Keys, life is turned on its head for Fin's family. Shortly afterward, his abuelo suffers a stroke. Fin is convinced that finding the treasure is the key to helping his abuelo heal. Fin's father is not adventurous at all, something that Fin has always resented, but he agrees to take his son out to look for the treasure.
In order to drive a boat or go diving, Fin's father insists on hiring a "babysitter" to go diving with him. But can the babysitters be trusted? Will they be able to find the treasure against all odds?
All in all, this was an enjoyable story, and very different from other books I have read recently. Woven into the story are many interesting facts about diving that were educational for me. I loved the tropical setting and the cultural elements, and of course the Spanish phrases woven into the story.
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